Blossoming In The Rings Of Life: A Journey From What You Don’t Want To Who You’re Meant To Be
You may never know what you want, but you should know what you don’t want in life, and then go backward from there.
How do you want your life to end up? And if you do not know how to answer this, ask yourself how you DO NOT want your life to end up. Then think about the polar opposite of this.
Dare to be daring in how you answer this question for yourself because only you can answer this for yourself.
So much of our lives are being told where to go and what to do, like an Emergency Broadcast Signal from television. We should hear, “This is not a real life, if it were a real life, you would receive instructions on where to go and what to do.” But it is a real life, and sometimes, rather than listening to what others are telling us or comparing ourselves to others, we need to get to a place where we are feeling rather than thinking. And feel as though time has started again, and we expand into that place we were intended to be.
We do not feel that life is being lived on this linear timeline, too early…too late. Rather, we are like raindrops that fall into the ocean of life when we are born, and the rings that form around us and grow exponentially from that point of birth are, in fact, filled with all the people and experiences we are meant to have on earth and during this lifetime.
Our job, our real job, is to center ourselves in the middle of these rings, much like a lotus flower, and make our best efforts to blossom and bloom as much as possible so that we can reach out and touch those people and things waiting for us as much as we are waiting to meet them.
We cannot blossom too quickly, much like we cannot press fast-forward on a remote control of our lives to the next exciting time or phase. If we rushed through our lives and absorbed all of the things and people waiting for us in the rings of life, our brains would crash. A very good reminder as to why we only use a small percentage of our brains.
Our brains generally process what we have experienced in the lobby of our life’s hotel and check those memories into the appropriate rooms. Even now as we sit here, we are not immediately thinking of what we had for breakfast on the weekend but can probably go back there if we tried.
It is the loitering thoughts or feelings in the lobby at all hours of the night we need to deal with. How can we calmly close up the lotus flower, sleep and wake in the morning ready to bloom that much more and expand that much further?
On average, 89,000 people die in their sleep. If we are lucky enough to wake up and get out of bed, we simply say softly, “And so, we begin again!”