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Empowering Your Time Wallet: Navigating Life’s Hourglass For Maximum Happiness And Fulfillment

There is a way to put things in perspective and practice that helps us rise to that next level.

The internet, for example, was supposed to be this panacea, yet decades later, while it is a lot of things, it has perhaps inundated us with so much information that we have trouble 1) processing it all and 2) knowing where to go and what to do.

They said a farmer in the 1800s had as much information in his lifetime as can be found in one edition of a daily newspaper today.

What is worth knowing?

The oldest person I knew was my grandfather, who would be 102 years old now but perished at 56 years old. Which is the age I will be on this year’s birthday. Yet although he was born in 1921, I speak of him to my children, his great-grandchildren, but I am unsure how much further this will go. We have a portrait painting of him, which may further help perpetuate his name.

But that is a sobering fact. Much that concerns us today or keeps us from moving forward will be forgotten once we pass or in a few generations. Why let that bog us down?

How, instead, do we focus on ways to become unencumbered with the trials and tribulations of everyday life?

So that we too can use our time and energy, which is finite, what we call the “Time Wallet” at Empower Village, as we can neither earn it back nor make more of the finite time we have left.

“Money Does Buy Happiness” — these are cringe statements we hear, but it is true. Money DOES buy happiness when you spend it on others; manage it so it does not manage you; and money is both fickle and jealous. Money will leave you if you do not pay attention to it and take care of it. We all know the phrase, “A fool and his money are soon parted,” or better yet, “A fool and his money were lucky to get together in the first place.”

At Empower Village, we have ways to rethink your “Money Does Buy Happiness” thoughts, and unlike money, which you can earn again, “Time Wallet” is how to get the most out of your finite amount of time and energy in a day. To free you up for really deep diving into the places in your life you would rather be spending your creative time and energy as the creator of your own life.

As was once pointed out, life is like a sand hourglass. We can clearly see how much sand is at the bottom, but we never know EXACTLY how much sand is left for us in the upper chamber. We can also see that sand passing through the neck, which is called the present, which is another word for gift.

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